Colour Change Card


Visual colour change card


Visual colour change card with very little skill required

Straight from receiving this gimmick you can be performing an ultra visual colour change card for your showreel, social media and live audience performances.

This is a flap card using some of the best crafting techniques and you can be sure it is:

• Fast change
• Durable gimmick
• Undetectable when in closed position
• Easy to handle and perform

Steve Rowe uses this as a fast visual opener when taking the deck from the box.
With the gimmick in open position inside the box, simply take the deck out, refer to the colour back not matching the box and ‘change’ the entire deck to match – it really does take the audience by surprise and sets you up for great reactions.

Available ‘Blue to Red’ and ‘Red to Blue’ – please state preference when ordering.

colourchangecard_steverowe from Steve Rowe on Vimeo.

Additional information

Red to Blue

Red to Blue, Blue to Red

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